Insurance0Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Thinking about leaving an inheritance for your children and dependents? Then the life cover is your solution. Investing in a life cover ensures that your dependents futures are guaranteed in the event you pass on thereby replacing your income. Enjoy covers of $100,000 from as low as $100.

Types of Life Covers.

  1. Pure Life Cover

Pays a lump sum in the event the insured life passing on.

  1. Cashback

This policy provides protection on the life of the assured to the extent of the sum assured in the event of death within the policy period. In addition, if the assured survives the term, a refund of all premiums (100%) paid by the assured and received by the company is made to him/her.

Contact us to learn more about the right life assurance cover for you.

Mobile: +254728172750

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