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What is Business Insurance? Business insurance protects your business by minimizing financial risks associated with unexpected events such as a death of a partner, an injured employee, a lawsuit, or a natural disaster. Contact us to Learn More Mobile: +254728172750 Email: [email protected]

What is Marine Insurance? This type of insurance compensates the insured from loss or damage to goods and, or merchandise in transit by sea, air, rail, road, or registered post. Contact us to learn more about this cover. Mobile: +254728172750 Email: [email protected]

What is a Motor Commercial Cover? Your business should not stop because of inconveniences and incidents on the road or on your commercial vehicles. We help you source cost effective covers that will make sure you’ll get back on the road in no time! Get a free quote now.

What is Work Injury Insurance? Work Injury Insurance is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence. Contact us to learn more about the right...

What is Group Life Assurance? Your employees are your assets and how best can you cater for their welfare in order to maximize their productivity to your organization? Get a Group Life Assurance Cover that protects themselves and their dependents from loss of income due to disability or death. A Critical Illnesses cover is embedded...

What is Agriculture Insurance Cover? Agriculture Insurance covers crops and farm animals against physical loss or damage. This cover indemnifies the insured against the loss of crop or farm animals due to natural disasters, such as drought and floods. It covers livestock: cattle, pigs, poultry, sheep, and farm produce: Crops, trees, horticulture, and floriculture. Contact...

Learn technical concepts and about the various types of insurance, including health, vehicle, life, travel, home, and more. Find out which insurance companies offer the best policies and how to avoid common mistakes.